Samond Classes Library



Objective-C classes and categories library is the result of the transfer our old projects of Samond Development Corporation group from UNIX operating systems (FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux) into the operating system macOS.

The purpose of this transfer was to create a convenient way to use software solutions in various macOS programs. Subsequently, the library has been upgraded for use in programming for Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices.

The library contains both custom classes and categories that extend the standard Objective-C classes. Before use, it is recommended to study the documentation for Your downloaded version.

Samond Classes Library supports the following operating systems:

  1. macOS 10.7 and later (64-bit code for Intel architecture)

  2. iOS 7 and later

To use the library You must have an Apple computer running macOS 10.8 and the Xcode 5 or above.

See documentation for downloading, obtaining sources, installation and using instructions.
